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Toomy, Dr. William Nicholas

During his travels through the Shenandoah Valley, Bill became convinced that he wanted to settle in the Waynesboro area. In June 1967, he and his …

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Jonas S. King

… 2864 Old Philadelphia Pike, Bird-in-Hand, passed away on Saturday, June 8, 2019 at Sentara Rockingham Memorial Hospital in Harrisonburg, VA.

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Community News: June 10

Handley Regional Library will hold Tiny Tales story time 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley, 901 Amherst St., Winchester, …

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A legacy to make a difference

In 2001, the ARSPCA relinquished the duties of taking in stray companion animals to the Shenandoah Valley Animal Services Center in Lyndhurst.

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Student news

HARRISONBURG, VA (06/06/2019)– Eastern Mennonite University is pleased to recognize students who were named to the Spring 2019 Dean’s List.

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Reunions for June 9

INWOOD — The Mussleman 50th class reunion will be held from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. this Saturday, June 15 at Shenandoah Valley Sportsmen Center …